Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pack Behaviour

Play together......

...sleep together


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I had to look twice before I saw The Pod in the last pic. He's perfectly camoflagued:-) Great photos as always.

Erin said...

Found your blog on the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop. Beautiful photos! We used to have a pack of four, it was chaotic at times but I couldn't imagine having it any other way. Now we only have Erin & Buck and the house seems so quiet..
Have a Great Sunday
Erin & Mom

Pup Fan said...

Those are amazing photos! Happy blog hop!

Ben and Carrie Tracks said...

Your photos are impressive! VERY nice work if I do say so myself....and such charismatic subjects :) Wonderful blog, excited to follow...

Life With Dogs said...

I'm suspecting that you have a decent camera - those are some great captures...