It was a good day playing in the park, and as evening approaches it's time to head home for a well deserved rest. It's sure a tough life for a whippet.
Winter came back after a nice warm spell, it's so cold that Bailey didn't even want to go out the door after we got all suited up and ready to go out for a romp. Well what better alternative for a whippet than to snuggle up in the people bed.
A telephone call interrupted putting the groceries away, so they were left on the floor. In the interim 30 seconds, a noise was heard in the general vicinity and a whippet was seen subsequently departing the area. The Evidence shows an apple pie box whose lid was opened but the pie was not removed, though partially eaten. We can only conclude that the perp was able to eat the pie using a long slender snout. Given the circumstantial evidence, and a witness seeing a whippet leaving the vicinity we have a prime suspect.